How To Water Your Succulent

How To Water Succulents

Once you've mastered watering succulents, you can take on the world. 🌎⁠

Succulents aren't like other plants, they don't absorb water through their leaves. Spraying or misting succulents is really useless. They're just...not into absorbing water that way. ⁠ Their roots are doing all the work. Watering around the succulent, rather than it's leaves is best for the plant. If you've ever had your succulents rot and melt from rainwater sitting on them, ya feel me on this. ⁠

  • Water the soil around the plant, not the plant itself if you can help it.

  • Soak it like you mean it! Succulents are from desert climates, they are used to getting a lot of water at once, and then not having any for a while. Water til you see water coming out the bottom of your pot. Don’t have a drainage hole? Get one! Succulents need drainage to survive long term. Sitting in water will cause root rot & unhappy succulents.

  • After watering, let your succulent dry out for a bit. Wait a few days before checking again. Once you’ve figured out when your plant is thirsty and ready for water. Plan a water schedule that works for your plants in your home. It’s pretty humid here in Charleston, SC so our succulents only need water about once a week. If you are keeping your succulents outside, you may need to water a little more often in the summer months.

  • How can you tell when your baby needs water? Don’t be shy, stick your finger into the soil, wiggle it around and see how she feels. It’s better to underwater than over water. Succulents like their dry, desert like climates so we have to change our watering schedules to make them happy here. And isn’t that what life is about? A little give and a little take. Happy Plants Happy Life.

  • Bonus Tip: Succulents with fatter leaves need more water than those with skinny little puny leaves but they also store water longer! Water your aloe thoroughly but not as often as your other succulents. Keep an eye/finger on the soil to tell when it’s ready for a soaking.

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Peace + Plants,
